
Set up Security Features



Set up Security Features

If you want to properly protect your content and restrict access to certain audiences or regions, please follow the steps below to configure the relevant settings. Your video content is valuable and should be protected from bad actors who can easily obtain or distribute it through various acts of piracy.

Security features are detailed in the following article sections:


Protecting your content with DRM/Clear key

BlendVision provides DRM (Digital Rights Management) protection with Widevine and FairPlay and Clear key protection. DRM protections can protect your content during digital data transmission from a (source) device to another (display) device, and avoid screen recording, snapshotting, and mirroring. Clear key is a content key transmitted without encryption.

How to enable DRM/Clear key feature

1. Access the  “Security” tab when you add new content. 

2. Toggle "Enable" option under the “DRM” or “Clear key” section

When enabling DRM, clear key will be unavailable, while when enabling clear key, DRM will be unavailable.


3. You should complete other settings of content (such as General, etc), then press the “Start Encoding” button to submit and create the content.

Cautions for Enabling DRM Function

  • Supported Environments for DRM for the behaviors on each platform, browser and OS version.
  • You can use showroom/embed iFrame player to publish DRM-enabled content without additional setup. Otherwise, it’s required to integrate BlendVision APIs and License Key for enabling DRM function when you select Player SDK solutions. Please refer to Developer Guide.


Managing the visibility of content

To avoid access from unauthorized audiences, you can set up Visibility options to determine access authorization to your content. 

How to set up visibility

1. Access the  “Security” tab when you add new content.

2. Select one of these options in the “Visibility” section:

  • Public (set as the default): When you select Public as the visibility, your event will be open to the general public with no sign-in required.

  • Token: If you want your event to be restricted to specific people and groups, please choose Token as the visibility.

    • When choosing Token visibility, you will need to implement the token mechanism for accessing embed iFrame Player and showroom. There are two ways to implement the token mechanism:
      • Integration with your membership system: please refer to our API documents on how to get an access token and provide it to your audience.
      • Leverage our showroom: in the showroom module, we provide an on-demand website with an access code mechanism. Here, you can generate access codes on the module, which allows limited users to access your content. Please refer to Set up Showroom Features for more information on generating access codes.
    • You can also set a limit on the number of devices per user (per token or redeem code) by filling in the allowed number in Device Limit. (Maximum value is 255)
      • Note: If you do not want to limit the number of devices, please fill in 0. 
    • Alternatively for existing events, you may click the share icon from the live event list or in the control room

3. You should complete other settings of content (such as General, etc), then press the “Save” button to submit and create the content.

Cautions for managing visibility

  • This feature is designed for the showroom/embed iFrame player, and does not apply to Player SDK solutions. You need to develop the relevant functions within your system and integrate it with Player SDK.

Setting up Geo-region control

BlendVision allows customers manage the available regions where their content is accessible. Through Geo-region control, you can specify which region is authorized to access the content. 

How to set up Geo-region control

1. Access the  “Security” tab when you add new content.

2. Set up available regions in the “Geo-region” section:

  • “All Countries” (Global): This is the default option. If you want your content to be viewable all over the world, please keep All Countries selected.
  • If you want to restrict availability to certain regions, you can select the allowed region(s) in two ways:
    • Unselect All Countries and select the allowed regions.
    • Select All Countries and unselect the regions you want to forbid.

3. You should complete other settings of content (such as General, etc), then press the “Save” button to submit and create the content.

Cautions for setting up Geo-region control

  • This feature only applies to the default CDN provided by BlendVision.


Setting up watermark

Enable watermarking to claim the copyright or identify violators of pirated content. The audience will see the watermark overlaid on the video in a designated spot during playback.

How to enable and set up watermark

1. Access the  “Security” tab when you add new content. 

2. Toggle "Enable" option under the “Watermark” section


3. Once you toggle "Enable", you can  click "Select image" to upload your preferred watermark image.

  • Note: The file size of the watermark image should be less than 5MB and the format should be in png, jpg, jpeg format. We recommend uploading a 270x270 px image.

4. You can also set up the Watermark Location and Size to choose where to overlay the position of the watermark from the drop-down menu of 9-Box Grid or adjust X/Y% via Custom

  • If you choose "Random", the watermark will shift around the corners randomly every 30 seconds.
  • The reference coordinate of Watermark is at the center of the image. 
  • When (X, Y) equals (50%, 50%), the center of the image will be at the center of the video. When (X, Y) equals (0%, 0%), the center of the image will be located at the upper left corner of the video. When (X, Y) equals (100%, 100%), the center of the image will be located at the lower right corner of the video.
  • The default aspect ratio of file of Watermark image is 16:9. When the scale=1x, the width of file of Watermark image will be 7.5% of the video width.

5. Click Preview On Player to preview how Watermark will display on the player . 

6. You should complete other settings of content (such as General, etc), then press the “Save” button to submit and create the content.

Cautions for setting up watermark

  • Due to iOS limitations, the watermark feature is not supported on iOS devices in full-screen mode.
  • This feature is designed for the showroom/embed iFrame player, and does not apply to Player SDK solutions. You need to develop the relevant functions within your system and integrate it with Player SDK.


Setting up domain control

Enabling domain control features can ensure that your content only broadcasts and embeds on validated channels.

How to enable and set up domain control

1. Access the  “Security” tab when you add new content. 

2. Toggle "Enable" option under the “Domain Control” section:

3. Once you enable domain control, you can easily add or remove domains on the “Allowed domains” list. 

  • Please note that the maximum number of allowed domains on the whitelist is 100.
  • As default, the domain for the auto-generated showroom has been whitelisted for the event. 

4. You should complete other settings of content (such as General, etc), then press the “Save” button to submit and create the content.

Cautions for setting up domain control

  • This feature is designed for the showroom/embed iFrame player, and does not apply to Player SDK solutions. You need to develop the relevant functions within your system and integrate it with Player SDK.

