After a live event has ended, your audience may still want to watch a replay.
BlendVision offers two ways of Live-to-VOD to allow your users relive the experience:
Utilize live events as VODs (Livestream Catchup)
BlendVision offers recording services for your live events. Your event can be automatically transcoded by our service and turned into compatible VOD content for multiple platforms, allowing users to watch your videos on demand after the live event has concluded.
To enable this feature, please navigate to General -> VOD -> Live-to-VOD and set the Source of Live-to-VOD as “Livestream Catchup” when you are creating your live event.
- The DRM and resolution for the VOD will match with your live event. For example, when you configure the live event with HD resolution and DRM, the VOD will display with HD resolution and DRM as well.
- After you click the "End Livestream" button to end the live event, the event status will change from "Live" to "Livestream ended", then “Encoding” will start automatically. When the VOD is ready to be played, the status will change from "Encoding" to "VOD Ready". Once VOD start time comes, VOD is automatically started playing.
- If your live event’s actual end time is later than the configured VOD start time, the VOD will be unable to be played. Please confirm if the VOD start time and end time needs any adjustments. The VOD will otherwise be published automatically after the recording finishes transcoding.
- When it is time to publish your VOD but the recording is still encoding, you can adjust the VOD start time and end time. The VOD will otherwise be published automatically after the transcoding.
Replace with an edited VOD
Use this feature if you want to replace the VOD with a different piece of source content after the live event. You may also edit the Livestream Catchup before using it as the new source file.
Enable “Save live for download”. The file will be saved after your live session ends.
Enter the start and end time of your VOD session while taking your editing time into account. The "Select VOD" option can be left blank for now.
- After your live event ends, go to the Video Library List to download the MP4 file saved from the livestream.
After downloading the file and editing it offline, upload it to the VOD module of Blendvision. Notice that the DRM and Geo-control settings applied in the encoding process will be adopted as the settings of the VOD after the live event concludes.
(You can refer to Add a VOD for detailed steps on adding a VOD)
After uploading is complete, return to the settings page of the ongoing event in the Live module and click on "Select VOD" where you can designate the uploaded VOD to be the source of playback.
(You can refer to Edit a Live Event for detailed steps on editing a live event)
1. Recording time for VODs will take at least twice as long as the live event’s duration. For example, an hour-long live event will take roughly 2 hours to record as a VOD.
2. Livestream Catchup can record a maximum 8-hour long live event.