Processing Speed

When uploading a video, the Processing Speed determines the resources that will be allocated and the time it will take for encoding to complete. 

BlendVision One offers Standard and Faster options and you may choose which better suits your cost and time-to-market needs. Simply put, processing speed is the time it takes for your video to be converted into a format that can be played on different devices. This process involves compressing the video and audio data to make the file smaller, without compromising quality.

This article details how Standard and Faster speed varies in terms of time required and cost. 


What is the difference

  • Standard: an economical option for VOD encoding to queue for available resources.
  • Faster: minimize encoding lead time by guaranteeing available parallel resources for processing.  

Time to complete VOD encoding

In addition to resource allocation, time to complete VOD encoding also has to do with the following conditions:

  • Length of the video 
  • Profile Set selection 
  • Frames per second settings 

If you have a longer video, the encoding process will take longer. Similarly, if you have your settings set to higher fps or 4K resolution options, it will take longer to encode due to the additional data that needs to be processed.

Usage of billable storage

Selecting faster speed also incurs more storage consumption as more resources are allocated.
You can confirm how much storage is consumed for faster speed encoding via Dashboard -> Billable Storage 




Click on Overall and select Encoding. From here, you can view the amount of storage consumed for faster speed encoding.

As an example, if your encoding output is 1GB when selecting faster speed, the storage will be calculated as 1GB *(1+0.6) = 1.6GB 




Select the option that best suits your needs

Although selecting the faster speed option incurs higher storage consumption compared to the standard option, it helps minimize the time-to-market for time-sensitive content.

Please choose the more suitable option according to your needs for each VOD encoding. You may refer to Add a VOD for detailed steps on adding new VOD content.
