Set up Chapters

The Chapter feature enables quick navigation to specific sections within a piece of content.

This feature only supports VOD content and will be active once the content is encoded (it will remain gray before encoding work is complete).

This article details instructions on how to create and edit chapters for encoded VOD content.


Enable the chapter feature

1. Access the VOD List via the sidebar on the BlendVision One web console, then click on the encoded VOD to access the VOD settings page.

2. To enable chapters, enable the “Display on the player" option in the “Chapters” section of the “Player” tab.


Manage the chapters of a VOD

  • Press the “Add New Chapter” button to create a new chapter. 
    • Up to 30 chapters can be created.
  • Edit the “Start Time” and “Title” fields for each chapter.
    • Title: Display name of each chapter on the player. Max: 30 characters.
    • Start Time: Start time of each chapter. The period between each chapter should be longer than 1 second, and the start time can not exceed the total video length.
  • Click the delete icon to delete chapters.

Chapters can be edited at any time. If the contents of a chapter are revised, it will automatically reflect onto the VOD content and be displayed on the player.

Noted: Chapter settings on BlendVision Web console only apply on the showroom and embed iframe Player. You need to develop the relevant functions within your system and integrate it when using Player SDK solution.
