BlendVision provides multiple efficient functions for building up your media streaming service. Asset management is required to ensure efficient allocation of resources and maintain optimal operation functionality.
This article details how you may use the Video Library for your video asset management.
What is the video library
The video library is a powerful feature that allows you to effortlessly upload, save, manage, and utilize your video assets. With this intuitive tool, you can maintain a comprehensive collection of videos, conveniently access them for encoding purposes, and efficiently manage storage consumption by deleting outdated or unnecessary resources.
The video library empowers efficient video asset management, providing the following benefits:
- Centralized Repository: You can store all video assets in one centralized location, reducing clutter and ensuring easy access.
- Hassle-free Process: You can conveniently and repeatedly reuse the assets in our service, saving resources and time cost by not having to reupload videos.
- Streamlined Search: The search feature enables users to quickly find specific videos based on their titles, saving time and effort in locating desired content.
- Storage Optimization: You can optimize storage consumption and maintain an organized and efficient video library by deleting outdated or irrelevant videos.
- Local Access: Downloading videos in MP4 format allows you to readily access local copies, allowing for offline playback or sharing with others.
Manage your video assets
After logging into the BlendVision web console, press on “Library” -> “Video” from the left sidebar to access the video library in the Video page:
The video library provides a number of features help manage your video assets, detailed in the article sections below:
Uploading and saving videos
Uploading your media assets into the video library will make using the BlendVision One service a smooth and seamless experience. The assets in the video library can be reused an unlimited amount of times for VOD encoding, simulive events or Live-to-VOD.
- You can upload video files from local or Cloud into the video library.
These media files will be saved automatically into the video library:
- Media source files that you uploaded local or Cloud.
Catchup media files recorded from your livestream.
Note: Refer to Add a Live Event for the steps on how to enable this feature.
To upload a video file, please follow the two steps below:
1. Press the “Add Video” button shown on the Video page.
2. Select the video to be uploaded/added
From Local
Select/drag a local video file into window, then press the “Upload” button to upload it:
Supported input formats:
- Format: .mp4, .mpg, .mov, .mkv, AVI , .m2ts, .ts, .m4v
- File Size: 70 GB max
The upload progress will display on the pop-up in the lower-right side of the screen:
From Cloud
Click Google Drive banner so that you can connect with your cloud service and choose an account to access the video file from cloud.
Supported input formats:
- Format: .mp4, .mov,
- File Size: 70 GB max
Click “Select” to select the files you want to add
You can integrate video meeting tools (e.g. Google Meet) to upload videos to Library.
a. Add video > Import > Integration
Click the integration service banner so that you can connect with your meeting tools (Google Meet) and choose an account to access the video files from the meeting service via the following methods.
You can search the videos from
Search: Search for content titles by entering keywords into the search field
- Press the “Search” button to show the search results in the table.
- Press the “Clear” button to reset the search.
Time Filtering: Select and set up the time range to narrow the contents you want to upload
- Last N days: Select from 7, 28, 90, and 365 days
- Custom: Set a custom start and end date
Supported input formats:
- File Size: 70 GB max
- File name: Less than 100 characters.
The selected videos will be listed in Included Files area, then click “Add” to add the videos to the video library.
b. Integration:
Click Integration button at the upper-right side so that you can connect with your meeting tools and choose an account to auto sync with BlendVision to detect and upload videos.
Select if you want to auto sync the meeting videos in the future and then click Save button.
Use Keywords to filter the meeting titles you want to auto sync in the future.
Use Keywords to block the meeting titles you do not want to auto sync in the future.
3. After the uploading process is finished (the Status will display “-”), you will see the video asset displayed in the Library > Videos.
You can confirm the source type of each video at Source column. Also, you can customize and share access rights for each video from the Video list.
For more details about how to share and manage content permission, please refer to Content Permission Management section.
Add Subtitle
Select the video in the Video list and click “Add Subtitle” to add subtitle for the video
You can add subtitles via Upload or Auto-generated to your videos.
Upload from local
- Upload Subtitle with formats: .srt, .vtt
- Choose your preferred “Subtitle language”
- Input “Display Name”, and click “Add Subtitle”.
Auto-Generate Transcription
- Multi audio tracks are allowed.
- Input “Audio track #” with number
- Choose “Language spoken” and input “Display Name”. Then click “Add Subtitle”.
If you want to change the current subtitle from the video, click “Edit subtitle”.
You can find available Subtitles on the Subtitle list or click “Add Subtitle” to add a new one.
Searching videos
The video library offers robust search functionality, allowing users to effortlessly find specific video assets within the video library.
- You can search for videos by the title of the asset.
To search for a video asset in the video library, please follow the steps below:
1. Type in the keyword(s) in the search field on top of the list, then press the “Search” button.
2. The search results will be displayed in the list. You can reset the search by clicking the “Clear” button.
Deleting videos
You can easily delete videos that are no longer required or relevant which frees up storage space and optimizes resource management.
To delete a video asset from the video library, please follow the steps below:
1. In the video library, press the Menu icon button on the right side of the video asset, then select “Delete” from the drop-down menu.
2. Click the “Delete” button in the pop-up window to confirm the deletion.
3. The video asset will be deleted from the video library and a notification will be shown.
Downloading videos
The video library allows you to download MP4 video files that you uploaded or were auto-generated by BlendVision One services. You can obtain local copies of video source files for offline viewing or sharing purposes.
To download a video file from the video library, please follow the steps below:
1. In the video library, press the Menu icon button on the right side of the video asset and select “Download” from the drop-down menu.
2. A notification will display on the top side of the page. Please do not close your browser while the download is being prepared.
You can check the preparation progress on the right side of the video in the list.
3. Once the preparations are ready, a notification will be displayed and the download will begin automatically.