BlendVision provides an Organization module designed to streamline the management of multiple users within your organization.
As an Admin, you can efficiently handle all user accounts, permissions, and roles in your business organization with the Organization module.
This article details how an admin can manage users and their roles using the Organization module.
Note: This article is for Admins who manage a business organization. To confirm your role, please refer to How can I confirm my role and permissions of accounts?. If your role is Developer or Staff , please refer to Organization Module Introduction for key features that are provided to users such as changing passwords or usernames.
Access the user list in the Organization module
You can access the User List of the Organization module by following the steps below:
- Click “Organization” on the sidebar to open the drop-down menu on the BlendVision web console.
- Press on “Users” displayed on the sidebar to access the Users page.
Manage users in your organizations
In the Users page, you can easily add, modify, or delete user accounts and their roles through a centralized user list. This simplifies the onboarding and offboarding processes, ensuring that your organization's user database remains up to date.
Information on how to manager users in your business organizations is detailed in the article sections below:
- Invite new users into your organization
- Manage the role/group of each user
- Delete users from your organization
Note: The maximum number of users that can join the organization will be based on your subscription plan. Please refer to Pricing Plan for the details of each plan.
Invite new users into your organization
To invite new users into your organization, please follow the steps below:
1. Click the “Add User” button on the upper-right side of the Users page.
2. Enter the user’s information into the fields of the pop-up window, then press the “Add User” button to send an invitation mail to the new user.
- Email address: Used for logging in and sending invitation emails. Once a user is added, this field will become uneditable.
- Group: You can add this user into multiple groups for permission management, refer to Manage user groups as an Admin for more details.
Account type (Role): Assign a role from Admin, User, or Developer.
- Please refer to the FAQ article How can I confirm my account role and permissions? for more information on each role.
3. After the invitation is sent, you can confirm the user’s verification status by pressing the “Invite list” button displayed on the upper-right side of the Users page.
- Users need to complete the verification steps to register their account within 24 hours of the invite. When the validation period expires, the status shown in the Invite list will change to "Failed to Verify" if verification was not completed.
- Admins can press the “Resend” button to resend the invitation for validation.
Manage the role/group of each user
To confirm and edit each individual user’s role/group, please follow the steps below:
1. Find the user that you want to edit from the User List. You may edit the user’s role in two ways:
- Click the Menu icon button on the right side of the selected user, then select “Edit” from the drop-down menu:
- Click on the user to open the user details window, then press the “Edit” button shown in the window:
2. Edit the user’s information, then press the “Save” button to submit the edited information:
Type (Role): Select a role from Admin, Staff, Developer, or Content Contributor.
- Please refer to the FAQ article How can I confirm my account role and permissions? for more information on each role.
- Group: You can add this user into multiple groups for permission management, refer to Manage user groups as an Admin for more details.
Note: For editing other user information such as usernames and passwords, please refer to Organization Module Introduction.
Delete users from your organization
To delete an individual user’s account, please follow the steps below:
1. Find the user that you want to delete from the User List. You may delete users in two ways:
- Click the Menu icon button on the right side of selected user, then select “Delete” from the drop-down menu:
- Click on the user to open the user details window, then press the “Edit” button shown in the window:
Press the “Delete” button shown in the edit page.
2. A confirmation window will pop-up. Press the “Delete” button to start deletion.
3. After deletion is complete, you will be redirected to the Users page and a notification will be displayed.