
Organization Module Introduction for Reseller

This article details the key features the Organization module provided for Reseller organization.

Note: In Reseller organization, members can be grouped by 2 role types: 

  • Account owner: The unique owner of the Reseller organization (only 1 member). Some permissions (such as edit organization information) are only allowed for the account owner.
  • Normal users: The other members who have been invited by the account owner. They are allowed to access and manage most features (such as sub-orgs, user list).


Access the Organization Module

You can access the features of the Organization module by the steps below:

  • Click “Organization” on the sidebar to list the drop-down menu on the BlendVision web console.
  • Click the feature displayed on the sidebar to access feature detailed page:


Key features


In the General page, you can confirm and edit the general information of the Reseller organization:


  • ID: The unique ID of the Reseller organization. It is used for API integration and is uneditable even if you change your billing plan or company name. 
  • Company Name: The name of the Reseller organization. Only the account owner can edit it by pressing “Edit” button.
  • Type: The type of organization.
  • Status: The status of the Reseller organization.
  • Valid Date: The valid date of the Reseller organization.
  • Append to: Displays the higher-level organization of the BlendVision service
  • Owner email: The account owner’s email of the reseller organization. Only the account owner can switch it to another user in the reseller organization by pressing “Switch” button.



In the Sub-Orgs page, you can manage the sub-organizations of this Reseller organization.

For more details, please refer to Sub-Orgs Management for Reseller.



In the Users page, the account owner can manage the user accounts in this reseller organization and normal users can edit their personal account information.

For more details, please refer to User Management for Reseller.



In the Security page, you can confirm the Security Setting and enable IP Address Restriction by adding custom IP addresses.

Switch to set IP restriction and start adding IP addresses. 

  • Click Add To IP List to add your current IP address to IP list. 
  • Input your IP addresses and Notes, then click Add. You can add up to 100 IP addresses to the IP list, and designate IP or a range of IPs with “/”. (e.g.

Please make sure that your current IP has been added, or you would be blocked. Then click Save when finished. (Internal IP is not allowed) 

If the current IP is not in the IP list, you are only allowed to switch Language and Organization.

Click Back to Home to go back to Dashboard.  



In the Plan page, you can confirm the assignable plans for the sub-organization under this reseller organization.

For the details of each pricing plan, please refer to Plan Management for Reseller



In the Billing page, you can confirm and download the billing report and billable usage of the reseller organization and sub-organizations in the last months.

  • Press the “Usage Info” button on the upper-right side to preview the PDF report of this reseller organization (the total billing usages of all sub-organization) in the latest billing periods.
  • Press the “Download” button on the upper-right side to get the PDF/CSV report of this reseller organization (the total billing usages of all sub-organization) in the latest billing periods.
  • Click the download icon in the “Sub-org Billable Usage” list to download the billing report for each sub-organization in the latest billing periods.
