This article details instructions on how to add a VOD on the BlendVision web console.
Before we start
Please refer to the following articles for information that may be helpful before you add a new VOD:
Preparing your video source
- Video Library Management on uploading source media files (Optional)
- Setting up VOD ProfileSets to customize the output resolution of the encoded VOD. (Optional)
- Customize Player Template for creating your own player style. (Optional)
- Integrate BlendVision APIs to enable specific security features (such as visibility and watermarks) on the Player SDK/embed iframe Player. (Optional)
Start adding a VOD
1. You may start adding a VOD in two ways:
Click on the “ADD” button on the left sidebar then select “VOD”.
You can also click “VOD” on the left sidebar to access the VOD List, then click the “Add VOD” button to create your new content.
2. From here, you can start setting up the configurations of your new VOD content:
General settings
You can configure the settings of your VOD content from the General tab.
- Upload or select the source media file to be encoded. In BlendVision, we support the following upload methods and input formats:
From Local: you can drag your files into this section or click on “browse” to select files from your system.
Supported input formats:
- File format : .mp4 , .mpg, .mov, .mkv, avi , .m2ts, .ts, .m4v
- File Size: Max 70 GB per video
File Name: Max 100 characters (English/Chinese/Japanese letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores)
Supported input formats:
From Library: you can search and select videos files previously uploaded in the Video Library. Check or uncheck source file items then click the “Save” button to proceed to the next step.
- For instructions on how to upload from the Video Library, please refer to Video Library Management.
From cloud - select files stored in your AWS S3 storage
- to upload from cloud, you need to complete the required Trust Relationship Policy in order for us to fetch files, go to General Setting --> Cloud Storage --> Create Storage】
- (Optional) Add subtitles for your VOD:
After selecting/uploading the source files, it will be shown in the “Selected videos” list under the “Upload” section.
- You can confirm the file name and size information from the list.
- You can delete/edit the items in the list.
- Pressing the “Add Subtitle” button will bring up a window for uploading subtitle files. You can add subtitles via Upload or Auto-generated to your VOD.
You can click Select Subtitle File to add your preferred file and edit the “Language spoken” and “Display Name” for each VOD.
- The Language spoken supports multi-country codes and multi-language codes display.
- .srt and .vtt formats are supported for subtitle files.
- Max: 10 subtitles files allowed for 1 VOD
- The Display Name for subtitles supports multi-languages, symbols, emojis, and punctuation.
icon to add auto-translated language you want to translate the subtitles. Select your target language from Translate into drop-down menu which supports multi-country codes and multi-language codes display.
Profiles define the video output resolution, video output bitrate, and audio output bitrate for a VOD. While BlendVision provides presets that you can use immediately, you can also customize your own profiles based on your needs.
In BlendVision, you also need to define your output resolution and bitrate by adding the predefined profiles into our ProfileSet, which will define the codec and streaming protocol of your encoding output. BlendVision provides the ability for you to easily utilize adaptive streaming by adding multiple profiles to your ProfileSet.
This section will detail instructions on how to select a predefined ProfileSet to define the output of your VOD.
Select the ProfileSet for VOD encoding:
BlendVision provides several ProfileSet presets. You can also select your own ProfileSets if you have added them to the VOD ProfileSets of the General Settings module.
Click the “Setting” button to confirm and manage your ProfileSets.
Refer to VOD ProfileSets for more details. - PTE (Per-Title-Encoding): you can enable this optional feature to optimize how your videos will be perceived by your audience. By enabling PTE, content will be analyzed based on scene complexity and optimized bitrate to save on storage and transmission bandwidth costs without sacrificing quality. Refer to Per-Title-Encoding (PTE) Introduction for more details.
Click the “Setting” button to confirm and manage your ProfileSets.
- Note: Once a VOD is created, these configurations can no longer be edited. Please make sure you select the necessary ProfileSet before submitting a new VOD.
Processing Speed
In BlendVision One, Processing Speed determines the lead time and cost for VOD encoding to be complete.
Select the Processing Speed for VOD encoding:
- Standard: an economical option where the VOD encoding process might need to queue for available resources.
- Faster: minimize encoding lead time by securing priority resources at any time.
Note: The total lead time and usage cost will be determined based on the processing speed selected, length of the video, and the selected ProfileSet. While Faster does provide resource priority, total lead time may differ based on the configurations of the above settings. For more detailed information, please refer to the Processing Speed article.
Save to Cloud
By default, BlendVision will save encoded files and set up CDN distribution for VOD delivery for you. If you wish to save encoded files to your own AWS S3 storage and set up CDN distribution, you may select Save to Cloud and choose a previously created Cloud Storage from the drop-down list to receive encoded files upon encoding completion.
Security settings
In the Security tab, BlendVision provides multiple features to protect your content:
- Encryption: Enable to protect your content. When enabling DRM, the clear key will be unavailable, while when enabling the clear key, DRM will be unavailable.
- Visibility: Manage the visibility of your content (Public / Token) to avoid unauthorized access.
- Geo-Region: Specifying authorized regions to limit access from certain areas or countries.
- Watermark: Display a watermark over your content to claim copyright or identify distributors of pirated content.
- Domain Control: Manage a domain whitelist that allows you to publish your content while limiting unauthorized delivery on other platforms.
If you want to properly protect your content and limit access to certain audiences or regions, please follow the steps below to complete the relevant settings. Your video content is valuable and should be protected from bad actors who can easily obtain or distribute it through various acts of piracy.
For more details on security features, please refer to Set up Security Features for more information on how to protect your content.
Note: some features may require integration with BlendVision APIs. Please refer to the article Integrate Existing Membership Systems for Private Content to confirm the features that require token access.
Metadata settings
In the Metadata tab, BlendVision provides multiple features to generate summary, subtitle and clips & tags by AI:
Video Preference: Select your Source Type based on your content. (Default: General)
- Source type: General, Football, E-commerce, Meeting & Slides, News
- Summary: Generate a concise summary of the content. (Default: off)
- Clips & Tags: Generate tags to focus on by specifying your preferences. (Default: off)
Tagging Focus will consolidate the significant topics for your content, keep/remove the ones per your needs. For more details, please refer to Set up Clips & Tags.
- Additional Information: All source types would have additional information (Default: off). If “Meeting & Slides” is selected as source type, key questions/action items/decision made will be default on.
- Subtitle: Generate subtitles if no subtitles have been uploaded. It would not overwrite the subtitles uploaded manually. (Default: off)
- Language: Set up your language. If nothing is selected, generated metadata would be shown as suggestion instead of applying directly.
Submit and start encoding
After following the above steps and confirming your settings, please check if the access right of the video is appropriate, contrasting to the access permission of your source file. Then, you can click the “Start Encoding” button on the upper-right side to submit and begin the encoding process.
- Please note that Encryption and Geo-Region fields will be uneditable once VOD encoding has begun. We strongly recommend that you double check all settings before submission.
- Some features (such as cover images, chapters, etc.) will only be active after encoding is complete. For steps on how to edit a VOD, enabling further features, and editable fields after a VOD is created, please refer to Edit a VOD.
After submission, you can see the created VODs shown in the VOD List.
You can delete the VODs in the VOD List by clicking the delete icon.
Please note that you cannot delete the VODs with multiple versions.