Set up Clips & Tags


The Clips & Tags feature enables to automatically generate important or meaningful video clips and tags by AI which you can instantly focus on through specifying your preferences. This feature only supports VOD contents.

This article details instructions on how to create and edit clips & tags for VOD contents.

Enable Clips & Tags Feature

1. Access the VOD List via the sidebar on the BlendVision web console, then click  “Add VOD” button to create a new VOD.

2. After you choose the video you want to upload in the “General” tab, click the “Metadata” tab to select the video’s source type, and enable Clips & Tags”.Then, click the “Start Encoding” button to start encoding the video and automatically generate clips & tags.  


After encoding is completed, you can click the “Metadata” tab to confirm the clips & tags.



When clicking one of the clips on the player, the screen will jump to the specified timestamp to play the content.


You can select the tags you prefer and the related clips will be shown on the player for easy confirmation. 


Edit Clips & Tags Information

You can edit the auto-generated clips & tags information to meet your requirements. 

  1. Hover on the clip and then the “Setting” icon will be shown. 

  1. Click the “Setting” icon and select the “Edit” button to start editing the clip’s information. Or, select the “Delete” button to delete the clip if needed. 

  1. The following information can be edited.
    • Title: Maximum is 50 characters.
    • Description: Maximum is 500 characters. 
    • Start time and end time: The shortest time interval is 15 seconds and the clip length cannot exceed video duration.
    • Tags: Add up to 10 tags only and maximum is 50 characters per tag. 



  1. When your editing is completed, click “Save” button to save your revision. 



Highlight Setting & Export

You can select the generated clips or the clips with tags you want to export. 

  1. Click the “Highlight Setting” button


  1. Select the preferred clips or click the tags to filter out the clips. Then, click the “Export” button to start generating the highlight clips.


  1. Click the “Exported” tab to confirm the highlight clips that are preparing for exporting or ready to export.


  1. Click the clip to preview the content. 

  1. Click “Setting” icon at the upper-right side to download or delete the clip. 

Regenerate Clips & Tags

You can also regenerate clips and tags if the current generated ones do not meet your needs.

  1. Click “Regenerate” icon to start regenerating the clips & tags of the video. 

  1. Select the proper Source Type which is closer to your content to enhance the accuracy.

  1. Tagging Focus will consolidate the significant topics for your content, keep/remove the ones per your needs. You can also add a new tagging focus by manual. 

    Tagging Focus List

    Source Type Attribute Description
    E-commerce Product Name Specific items being featured
    Brand Brand associated with the product
    Color Available color options for the product
    Meterial Materials used in the product
    Texture Surface feel or finish of the product
    Pattern Design or pattern on the material
    Meeting & Slides Meeting & Time Name or topic of the meeting
    Date & Time Meeting time
    Participants Names and roles of attendees
    Agenda Main topics 
    Key Points Important points or decision made
    Action Items Tasks or follow-up assigned
    Slides/Visuals Titles and contents of meeting slides
    News Headline Main news title or summary
    Date & Time Publish time
    Reporter Name of the journalist or correspondent
    Location Where the news event occurred
    Category Types of news
    Key Figures People involved or mentioned in the news
    Events Specific happenings or incidents reported
    Quotes Notable quotes from interviews or statements
    Background Information Context or history related to news
    Visuals Associated images or videos


  2. Click “OK” button to start regenerating. 


  1. This action cannot be undone.
  2. Once you start regenerating clips and tags, the generated clip list in Highlight Setting will be deleted. 
  3.  Max: 10 tagging focuses per content.

Enable Clips & Tags Feature on Showroom 

Clips & Tags feature can be shown on the player for your users to search quickly according to their preference. 

Click “Player” tab and enable the Clips & Tags feature on showroom.



  • Enable "Display clips panel" and click “Save” button to show clips on the panel 



Click the list icon at the upper-right side and your user can confirm the clips of the content on showroom.

  • Enable "Display on progress bar" and click “Save” button to show tags on progress bar 



 Your user can confirm the tags of the content on progress bar on showroom.
