This article details the editable settings once a VOD is created as well as instructions on how to edit these fields in the BlendVision VOD module.
Before we start
Before editing a VOD, please refer to the article below:
- Add a VOD for information on settings and editable settings when adding a new VOD
Start editing a VOD
Once your file(s) are uploaded for encoding, you can confirm their status and details in the VOD list.
You can customize and share rights for each video from the VOD list.
For more details about how to share and manage content permission, please refer to Content Permission Management section.
To start editing, click on a VOD from the VOD list to access its settings page.
The following article sections will detail the editable fields for each setting group:
In the General tab, you can confirm and edit information about the encoded VOD.
Note: ProfileSet / Processing Speed / Save to Cloud will be uneditable once the VOD is created.
VOD Name
The filename is used by default. This can be edited.
- Max: 100 characters
Preview Player: preview the encoded content before publishing
- VOD ID: a unique content ID
This feature allows users to replace the existing VOD to a new one without switching to a new VOD ID or URL. Therefore, it is more convenient and flexible to perform VOD replacement.
Note: VOD replacement only can be performed under “Success” status. However, video replacement cannot be performed under the following circumstances:
- VOD is failed/canceled when adding VOD at the first time
- VOD is used as Live-to-VOD during live event
- VOD is used as direct VOD during live event
- VOD is used as Aisk source
- Click the “Replace” button
- Upload the file you want to replace from Local/Library/Cloud and set up the ProfileSet and Processing Speed.
Note: Only one file can be selected as the file to replace when you replace VOD.
- Format: mp4 , .mpg, .mov, .mkv, avi , .m2ts, .ts.
- File size: <70GB
- Subtitle also needs to be reuploaded from your local or with our auto-generated transcription if any.
- Click “Replace” button to start uploading and encoding when the setting is completed. A notification message will be displayed, and click “Yes” button to continue the replacing process.
- Return to VOD list, you can confirm the replacing status by hovering over the status of the video you want to replace.
When the replacing process is completed. the cover image will also be replaced by the new one.
- It’s unable to edit VOD until the replacement process is completed.
- If you want to know the related information about replacing progress, please refer to “Version” section for more details.
The VOD content will be available for playback once encoding is complete. You can opt to set a specific period for playback availability.
- Always available: content will be ready to stream once encoded without time constraints.
Schedule: content will be streamable during the scheduled start time and end time
- Before the scheduled start time: you can switch to Always available or change the scheduled time.
- Before the scheduled end time: you can set a new end time.
Once a VOD is created, the DRM and Geo-region settings in the Security tab will be uneditable.
For the definition and limitations of each setting, please refer to Set up Security Features.
Each VOD encoding process will go through several stages before finishing. You can track the progress from the Status tab.
Refer to Confirm Encoding Status of VOD for more details.
This feature allows users to generate an AI-generated summary of the provided content to be utilized for AiSK interaction, content overview and information.
Before generating a summary, please ensure the content’s subtitles are attached first, or an error message will pop-up.
Click “Edit” button > “Auto-generated” button to go to Regeneration Setting for the next step.
Source Type: Select source type based on your content
- General (Default)
- Football
- E-commerce
- Meeting & Slides
- News
*If “Meeting & Slides” is selected, Additional Information will be activated and key questions/action items/decision made will be default on.
- List the Subtitle’s “Display Name” dropdown from Subtitle list
- Paragraph (Default)
- Bullet Points
- Brief (Default)
- Average
- Extensive
Click Save button at the upper-right corner to generate a concise summary that you can copy for further purpose. Summary supports Traditional Chinese, English and Japanese languages.
*The VOD and Subtitle cannot be deleted during Summary generation.
Action items, key questions and decision made will be displayed when “Meeting & Slides” is selected as source type.
Clips & Tags
The auto-gen clips and tags will be displayed on the player once the VOD encoding is completed and the generated clips can be hidden/shown by tags.
Refer to Set up Clips & Tags for more details.
Short description: You can enter a brief introduction of the content
- Max: 100 characters
Long description: You can enter a detailed introduction or highlights of the content.
- Max: 2,000 characters
- The long description will be provided in the information panel of the VOD player.
Label: You can set up multiple labels on the individual content for management or filtering
- Max: 20 labels per content
After you set up a new label to the VOD, click enter key and Save button to add one, where you can confirm on individual VOD in VOD list.
You can filter the VODs by labels from Labels: All bar at the upper-right side in VOD List.
This feature allows users to find the clip information quickly where they can search the keyword within transcription and make the paragraph of transcription as a new clip.
You can use the search bar to search the keywords in the transcription.
It will display the total findings marked with yellow color and select up and down to browse the results each by each. When you click the wording, you can jump to its timestamp on the video timeline.
There are 2 display views for the transcription, Article View and List View. The default view is Article View where you can confirm the time range of each transcription.
Click to change to List View to display the transcription only.
You can click “Extract to Clip” icon between search bar and List View icon, and make a certain paragraph of transcription to enable the “Extract to clip” feature.
Note: The selected range should be a continuous paragraph.
The pop-up window will be displayed so that you can fill in the clip information. It will display the time range of your selected range.
- Title
- Description
- Tags
Click Extract To Clip when completed filling to create a new clip or cancel button to leave.
The created clip will be listed below Clips & Tags section, and the clip information can be edited/deleted.
Clips & Tags
The auto-gen clips and tags will be displayed on the player once the VOD encoding is completed and the generated clips can be hidden/shown by tags.
Refer to Set up Clips & Tags for more details.
You may add, delete, or download subtitles.
Click the “Add Subtitle” button to upload a new subtitle(s)
- supported formats: .srt, .vtt
- Click the delete icon to delete the uploaded subtitle(s)
- Click the download icon to download the uploaded subtitle(s)
icon to add auto-translated language you want to translate the subtitles. Select your target language from Translate into drop-down menu which supports multi-country codes and multi-language codes display.
In the Image tab, you can edit the cover image that is shown during the unpublished period for the VOD.
Refer to Set up Cover Images for more details.
In the “Showroom” tab, you can edit the configurations to customize your showroom design
- Access code: create/download the access codes for your audience
- Login Page: customize the login page for your audience before they access the main page
- Main Page: customize the main page where your VOD will be displayed.
For detailed steps on how to edit showroom features and generate access codes, please refer to Set up Showroom Features for more details.
Note: BlendVision also allows you to publish your content through our iframe Player and Player SDK (on Android / iOS / Web).
For more information on these publishing methods, please refer to Share and Publish a VOD for more details.
In the “Player” tab, you can set up the configurations to customize your player:
- Preview the Player UI for your event
- Select a standard or customized Player Template for your event.
- Set up Chapters to enable swift navigation between video sections.
- Set up Clips & Tags to configure and display on the player.
- Set up End Screen to show related videos after a video ends to meet your end screen recommendation requirement.
You can refer to the following articles for detailed configuration steps:
- Set up Player Features for steps on selecting the player template used for the Showroom and embed iframe player.
- Set up Chapter for steps on enabling and managing the chapters of a VOD.
- Set up End Screen for steps on enabling and managing banners and line items of End Screen.
- For more details on creating and customizing your player template, please refer to Customize Player Template
- For live events published using the Player SDK (Android / iOS / Web), please refer to our Developer Guide for information on Player UI customization.
In the “Version” tab, you can confirm version history and the configurations of the VOD.
Version History:
- The latest video will tag as “Current”
- Replacing Status: Success/Failed
- Edit Versions Details:Click edit icon to edit the version with Version Title and Version Description
- Delete: Click delete icon to delete the version you want.
Setting Details: Select each version to confirm the following details
- General: VOD’s general information
- Status: VOD’s encoding information
- Subtitle: VOD’s subtitle information
- Image: VOD’s image information
Save and submit the edited results
After editing the fields above, click the “Save” button on the upper-right side of the settings page to save and submit your edits.